I finished my hike on October 7 at Cumbress Pass, Colorado. I’m enjoying my reentry into civilization and reconnecting with everyone.

“My Shear Da Beard” event was a big success!

Thank you to everyone who came to the event and helped push my total donations to over $11,000! I so appreciate all of your support and so do the people at CurePSP.

  • Sports and Outdoors

    These are my sports and outdoor activities:

    • Since 1984 I have been a high school basketball official. I began in Ohio, then Maine, Arizona, and Texas. Due to current work activities I have not been available to commit to working a season.
    • I served as board member and president of the Central Texas TrailTamers: “The Central Texas Trail Tamers is a 501(c) non-profit organization dedicated to building and maintaining sustainable hiking trails.  Established in 1993, the Trail Tamers have provided thousands of hours of volunteer labor to public and non-profit agencies in eight states and two countries.” The website is
    • In 2015 I hiked the Continental Divide Trail. My website contains my diary, photos, videos, and other pertinent information. The website is
    • I am publishing a book about my 2015 CDT hike entitled “HeHo”. It can be found on my author page All proceeds from the book sales will go toward CurePSP. “CurePSP is the leading source of information and support for patients and their families, other caregivers, researchers, and healthcare professionals on prime of life neurodegeneration including PSP, CBD, MSA, and related diseases.” Their website is

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