August 1, 2015


It was an icy 30 degF when I awoke. I got out and southbound for an easy flat and somewhat downhill hike. I saw the geysers in Biscuit Basin on the way to Old Faithful. When I arrived, a ranger urged me to wait a few minutes for Beehive geyser, which was impressive, followed by Old Faithful going off right behind it. HeHo!

The back country office wasn’t ready for me and the post office is closed until Monday, so off to lunch I went. AT&T has weak service and wifi is $15 a day at Snow Lodge. Indeed, a captive market. I will wait until Sunday for internet activities

After chilling in the village I got my permit and saw MIJ who is going north. We both need to get to the post office Monday when it opens. I headed out 3 miles to Lone Star campground to setup, and then wandered back to the village. I splurged on a very good bison rib dinner at the Obsidian Room and a few beers after. I got back to my tent just before dark

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