August 31, 2015


We had a good bit of rain last night. I woke up and ate my Wheaties and then saw it was only 11:30. Heck! I woke up several times during the night.

Scout, Crosby, and I hit the trail at 6:30 with everyone else still in their tents. We sang songs as we hiked, which I do not do well when I’m out of breath. We met the delightful Jenny who was hiking the CDT Colorado section northbound; oh, if I was 20 years younger!  It got pretty rainy late in the day, and my tattering DriDucks were good to have. There was a lot of climb, and further along Parkview Mountain would offer a seriously steep ascent.

I looked at the water situation and noted there wasn’t much. There was a small stream before the Parkview climb and then 11 miles to the next source. I did not want to haul a truckload of water up a steep climb, and it was late in the day which meant I wasn’t likely to get to the peak or the water afterwards. I watered up at the stream and later found a nice camp spot at the base of the climb. That lets me use water for dinner and breakfast and have a liter for the climb

I am hoping tomorrow to have my Wheaties at a more sensible time and get lots of miles after the climb.

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